The first tranche of EMFF funding


Providing valuable funding for capital investment

The purpose of this project was to support Scottish aquaculture producers with non-medicinal technologies to counter sea lice and amoeba. Under the principles of disease or parasite control, a range of strategies should be employed where prevention takes precedence over remediation. Having more than one tool allows flexibility in your approach to keeping disease and parasites under control.

The projects include technologies to prevent sea lice settling on salmon, such as semi-permeable lice skirts; technologies to increase the production of wrasse (fish co-habited with salmon that naturally feed on parasitic lice); and also new techniques to treat lice or amoeba without the use of medicines. This includes the advancement of a machine developed in Scotland.

Ultimately, the aims of this project are to lower sea lice levels across Scotland, thereby improving fish welfare and health. Another key indicator is the use key medicines across the sector, which the project seeks to reduce.

This portfolio of projects aligns directly with SAIC Priority Innovation Area 1 (Finfish health and welfare). The initiative began in 2016, with support provided from the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) and the Scottish Government.

Below is a list of subprojects from the first tranche:

  1. Technology: Thermolicer; project partner: Scottish Sea Farms; total project value: £2,500,000; EMFF contribution: £450,000
  2. Technology: Permaskirts; project partner: Mowi Scotland; total project value: £635,000; EMFF contribution: £127,000
  3. Technology: Hydrolicer Workboat 2; project partner: Mowi Scotland; total project value: £757,088; EMFF contribution: £136,275
  4. Technology: Ace Aqua System; project partner: Scottish Sea Farms; total project value: £350,000; EMFF contribution: £175,000
  5. Technology: FW Treatment Solutions; project partner: Loch Duart Salmon; total project value: £315,295; EMFF contribution: £135,576
  6. Technology: Cleaner fish nursery; project partner: Otter Ferry Seafish; total project value: £904,309; EMFF contribution: £452,154